How to Fill an Open Position with the Right Candidate Every Time

How to Fill an Open Position with the Right Candidate Every Time

If you have an open position you know how difficult it can be to fill it with the right person. You may find you’ve been avoiding filling the position because it is such a daunting task. Hiring the right candidate for an open position is time-consuming, and stressful because hiring the wrong candidate is disruptive to the current culture and it’s expensive.

Hiring the wrong candidate can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the position. The Department of Labor estimates that it costs 1/3 the annual salary of the bad hire to replace them. Not only is expensive to replace a bad hire, but it undermines the moral of the culture you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. Obviously, it is important that you hire the right candidate the first time.

At HT Partners, we specialize in finding the right candidate for the job every time. Here are the strategies we use to ensure the right fit for your company.

Get to know the candidate – Candidates are much more than their resumes. You could be missing the best candidates because their resume didn’t stand out. We get to know our candidates personally, leveraging extensive experience interviewing and managing talent (when you’ve interviewed thousands of individuals, you build up a wealth of expert knowledge and insight). When we recommend them for a position, we know they’re a good fit.

Write better job descriptions – Want to attract better candidates? Write better job descriptions (see how to do it here). In a nutshell – focus on what the company to do for the candidate and you’ll find better quality candidates will apply.

Utilize digital media – Make sure your website is mobile friendly and you’re posting positions on social media. Quality candidates are using their smartphones to search for jobs and to research the companies posting those positions. If your company hasn’t embraced digital media you’re going to turn off the candidates you seek.

These are just some of the tools and methods we use to match the right job to the right candidate. If you’d like to learn more about finding the right candidate for your open positions give us a call at 847-202-3242 or email us at