If you’re like me, you wake up ready to face the day with certainty. You’re ready and excited to confront all of the day’s obstacles head on.

Or maybe not.

While I like to charge into each day with certainty and focus, some days (usually Mondays) I have a difficult time summoning the inspiration and enthusiasm needed to motivate others.

When I need inspiration I visit the following blogs and websites. These are some of the best resources I’ve discovered that can kick start my engines and get me thinking not only clearly again but with purpose.

After spending a few minutes on one of these sites, I am not only ready to face the day, but I’m excited to face it head on.

Excellence Now – This is a project started by Tom Peters, the author of In Search of Excellence and a personal hero of mine from even before my college days. For those of you unfamiliar with Tom Peters, I invite you to read any of his books and not be inspired and awed. His Excellence Now is the culmination of 30 years of material on organizational and personal excellence.  Truly inspiring, but be warned, you could spend days here.

The Idler Academy – This delightful UK school/bookstore offers online and real world courses in everything from public speaking to learning the ukulele. I haven’t actually registered for a class yet but it’s wonderful, and quite liberating, to know that I can. Like fantasizing about winning the lottery the Idler Academy offers the opportunity to dream. If you could learn one new thing what would it be?

Dumb Little Man– Don’t let the name fool you, this website offers tips for life contributed by those from all walks of life. In fact, if you have a tip, you can contribute.  Topics include career, money, productivity, relationships and happiness. These are quick and easy reads with surprisingly insightful gems among the articles.

This is What I Mean – Is a Tumblr blog filled with inspiration. Some of it is gooey and dripping with sweetness, but much of it smacks you in the face to wake you out of complacency. Another spot on the web where you could lose time if you aren’t careful.

Life Optimizer– Written by IT enthusiast Donald Latumahina from Indonesia, this simple blog spells out what may seem obvious but in its simplicity there is a new point of view. Sometimes we forget to keep it simple stupid, and this blog is a good reminder of that rule.

TED in 3 Minutes – Who has time for 18 minute videos on some of the most interesting, insightful and innovative ideas? I don’t, at least not with my morning coffee. But, I do have time for TED in 3 minutes. These are 3 minute talks filled with inspiration and a perfect way to start your day.

Freakonomics – Another website I could spend days perusing but only need a few minutes to find inspiration. If you have more time pick up the latest book by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, Think Like a Freak, for more eye opening stories and unconventional analysis.